Security. We need security in all aspects of our lives. As these lives divulge more in to the worl of technology,security becomes more important. Everything is on the internet now. With social media, we give our life story to the web, and it is forever embedded somewhere, for someone to find. This decade of technology boomers face worlds of dating online, identity theft, billing online, paperless companies, continuous files of our information that is labeled in to cookies and sent out to…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on June 16, 2013 at 11:41pm — No Comments
Tech Exploration 6-19-13
Sarah Roe
We are coming down to the last few weeks of class, and I am amazed to look back and see how much I have learned. I continue to be introduced to new ideas, and ways to look at technology within the classroom. Not only am I benefitting from all of this research, but my students will be as well. Some interesting facts that I learned about the brain, have definitely kept me thinking over this past week. I think that we…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on June 16, 2013 at 11:19pm — No Comments
There were no Tech Explorations this week.. which I must say, was a blessing! WebQuests are much more complicated than I originally thought, and the extra time was much appreciated. After doing much research and exploring in the WebQuest world, there was much to take in! Though they may look easy and like lots of fun for the students, there is a lot of time and attention to detail to making these quests.…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on June 10, 2013 at 3:29pm — No Comments
The work in this class keeps on building, and surprisingly, I keep learning some great ideas for my classroom. It is sad to say that this is the last week of school for my students, and tonight at our 5th grade promotion, I know I will cry my eyes out. Though I have only been at JRES for 4 months, it feels like my home, and these students, my children. I just hope that they leave here taking some valuable pieces of education with them. One of a teachers only goals in life is to positively…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on May 23, 2013 at 10:38am — No Comments
EDOL 533
This has been a busy, final week at school. Working full time and taking online classes has proven to be a tad bit difficult. I am so ready to actually have a license, but until then, I truck on. This week I learned some valuable information on how to better my classes and keep my students involved in their education and updated in the field of technology. I am excited to say that many of the things I have learned so far have inspired me to "technologically update" the way I…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on May 20, 2013 at 3:23pm — No Comments
Sarah Roe
Tech Exploration_Week 2
Name: Sarah Roe Date: 5-11-13
4. Concept mapping programs:
1. Describe what you learned from exploring this resource. Be thorough in your response.
This site was actually kind of weird. It did not help me to understand how this could really be used in a classroom setting, other than the fact that you could do mapping for story lines. Though the site was interesting, it was not…
Added by Sarah Paige Roe on May 13, 2013 at 5:14pm — No Comments
Week 3 is here! This class is flying by, and I am enjoying myself all the while! There were some awesome websites that we looked at this week, and many that I would feel comfortable using in my classroom. Miss Sarah's Spanish class is definitely benefitting from this online class. I find myself preparing for next year, using all of the great new technology resources that I have found. This is a big deal for me, because technology has not been very present in my classroom as of yet. To add to…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on May 13, 2013 at 10:30am — No Comments
This week I did a lot of research over the different uses of technology in the classroom. There were many different resources that seems to be immediately helpful. I especially enjoyed learning about the podcasts and tumble books. Both of these new technologies seemed very innovative. Though they were both more interesting than the rest, the idea of pod casts were much newer to me. Though the websites were very easy to maneuver and gather information, I think that it goes beyond that. To use…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on May 6, 2013 at 6:40pm — No Comments
EDOL 533
Technology Exploration Assignment Form
You should complete this form thoroughly for each of your twenty Technology Explorations.
Student Name: Sarah Roe Date: 5-6-13
1. Wiki -
1. Describe what you learned from exploring this resource. Be thorough in your response.- By exploring this resource, I found multiple ways to keep children and their parents active in the work we do at…
Added by Sarah Paige Roe on May 6, 2013 at 5:09pm — No Comments
Sin embargo, una otra sesión de la escuela ha ido y venido. El tiempo pasa tan rápido, especialmente cuando se están divirtiendo. He tenido una gran…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on July 27, 2012 at 4:30pm — No Comments
Me olvido de lo increíble que es estar hablando con un grupo de personas en un otro idioma. Me siento alegre de compartir un vínculo con los inmigrantes…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on July 20, 2012 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment
Cada nueva experiencia que me reúno con mis servicios de la comunidad, me lleva a nuevos contactos para el futuro. A medida que continúo luchando con mis decisiones con la vida…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on July 13, 2012 at 4:30pm — No Comments
El trabajo de una maestra nunca se acaba. Sigo aprendiendo cada día más con mis estudiantes en el programa de ESL. Aún me encuentro luchando con la decisión de utilizar el…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on July 6, 2012 at 4:30pm — No Comments
Otra semana ha pasado y sigo aprendiendo cosas nuevas todos los días con el programa de siglo 21. Estos niños me sorprenden. Teníamos otra visita de campo a una gimnasia de construcción el miércoles. Lunes, les dimos a los niños de su permiso se desliza para llevar a casa y traer de vuelta el día del viaje, ya que martes no hubo clase. Yo estaba un poco preocupado de que algunos niños se olvidan de sus papeles, pues de lo contrario faltar a clase el lunes y no tiene uno a llevar para la…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on June 29, 2012 at 2:30pm — No Comments
La segunda semana ha llegado y pasado. En realidad nunca es un momento libre cuando se activa tenemos con los niños, pero he llegado a amar. Por mucho que me gusta la idea de continuar mi educación con estudios de posgrado, mis otras opciones se vuelven menos importantes a medida que continúo mi trabajo con el siglo 21. Los recuerdos de viajar en un autobús con mis amigos cuando yo era un niño, han decaído sustancialmente. Hoy en día, nos tomamos el programa de Inmigrantes de Blue Licks, un…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on June 22, 2012 at 5:10pm — No Comments
¡Qué gran sensación estar de vuelta a casa. Aunque echo de menos España, y todos los de mi amigo que hice allí, me siento cómoda diciendo que esto es donde pertenezco.…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on June 15, 2012 at 4:54pm — No Comments
El mes pasado ha transcurrido tan rápido. Cuando llegué aquí, yo estaba asustado sin duda de cómo saldrían las cosas. A través de todas…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on May 31, 2012 at 8:32am — 1 Comment
Volver a la escuela, de regreso a la escuela! Hoy en día no tenemos nuestro proyecto de aprendizaje-servicio, porque es un día de fiesta aquí en Sevilla. Los niños estaban muy emocionados martes, cuando me estaban diciendo acerca de las cosas que iban a hacer. Muchos iban a la playa, a…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on May 30, 2012 at 8:00am — No Comments
¡Qué fin de semana! Granada era una locura hermosa, y yo lo pasamos tan bien. Nuestro grupo es increíble, y nos llevamos muy bien. La Alhambra era mucho más grande que yo había previsto. Era una ciudad completa. Steven y yo somos nerds tales, como cuando caminamos a través de estos…
ContinueAdded by Sarah Paige Roe on May 28, 2012 at 8:00am — No Comments
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