All Blog Posts Tagged 'challenge' (5)

A Lesson Guide for Constitution Day 2.0

Each year America celebrates Constitution Day on September 17. Since 2006, federal legislation mandates that all educational institutions receiving federal funds must hold an educational program on the Constitution commemorating the day.

Remix America ( has partnered with Constitutional Rights Foundation ( to bring you the Constitution Day Challenge--a creative way for elementary, middle and high school students to learn about and celebrate… Continue

Added by Erika Johansson on August 31, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments

Last Day's Assignment

I am assigning the following for our last day in class. Tell me what you think...

1. Contact another person. Verbal speech will disqualify you.

2. Find out what your contacted person had for breakfast today.

3. Show their answer to me in order to get your points.

4. Post their name/pseudo, location, relation to you, & how you contacted them on your blog.

1 point = someone in this room

2 points = someone in this school

3 points = someone in Maryland

4… Continue

Added by Durff on May 26, 2009 at 4:49pm — 2 Comments

Challenge Software Program "Helping Children Help Themselves"

The Logic behind this program comes from research on Personality Development and Cognitive-Behvioral Psychology. We understand that we cannot control the Events that take place around us, but we have a great deal of control over the interpretations of those events, which ultimately dictates how we feel.

This is where we need to focus our energy. Through my work with children and adults over the past several years, the majority of individuals who were really struggling spent a great… Continue

Added by Brad Chapin on December 24, 2008 at 10:38am — 1 Comment

Seven Wonders of the Whiteboard Challenge

Are you new to using an interactive whiteboard (IWB)? Have you used one for ages but want some other ideas? Are you using an IWB regularly but know you could use it better? Then you are invited to join the Whiteboard Challenge!

Whiteboard Challenge Wiki

The aim of this challenge:

To improve the use of interactive whiteboards in the classroom and to stimulate more discussion about how they can best… Continue

Added by Jess McCulloch on August 5, 2008 at 7:25am — 4 Comments

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