Hey everyone! My name is Stephanie and I am a senior at a technical high school. I am in the Computer Programming and Web Development course. For a graduation requirement, i must do a 20 min presentation about something above and beyond what we have learned.

I am doing my presentation on how Social Networking can be used in the classroom. The 3 major points are YouTube, Podcasting and Blogging. Like what I am doing now...

Since a lot of people here are educators...or experienced in this technology...I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how I can show blogging.

Anyone apart of a school blog that discusses any school subject?

Any help would be appreciated. I would also like if anyone had any ideas on how i can present this.

Maybe i could use blog as an example?

Let me know what you think!!



Views: 32

Comment by Durff on February 15, 2008 at 4:42pm
Have you checked out k12online2008?
Comment by Talia Carbis on February 25, 2008 at 4:16pm
Hi Stephanie,

I wrote a post about podcasting here, and how I want to use it for my electrical apprentices. It has a few links to some great info on podcasting in the classroom/ TAFE etc.


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