This was a feature started by another blogging teacher, who decided to stop blogging, and I have taken on this weekly feature called
Day in a Sentence, in which teachers boil down their week or a day in their week into one concise statement.
We have about a dozen regular contributors and I want to invite
YOU (that's right, you) into the mix.

Here is how it works:
- Go to my blog:
- Scroll down to the post called Day in a Sentence
- Use the comment feature to submit your sentence (and if you want to podcast, all the better -- you can just provide me a link or even email me your audio file). I moderate comments so they won't immediately appear.
- Make sure you leave a blog address or maybe your Class 2.0 address -- it allows us to connect with you.
- On Sunday, I compile them all and post them as a collection.
- Then, it is one to another week's adventure
Sounds easy, right?
We would love to have more voices in the mix.
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