My students who I set up on blogs just before winter break are really having a good time. They've been working on an author study since November, and the blog has been the perfect venue to write their book reviews. They are totally buying into the notion that they are writing for an authentic audience: each other! At parent-teacher conferences this evening, I made a point of bringing a laptop so I could show off the blog to parents. One student pointed out to his parent the ClusterMap. "Look, someone from Maine has been reading our blog!" he said. Which brings me to post a simple request: If you are reading this, would you please visit the main blog page, which is here, so that we can acquire a few more blips on the screen? Thank you!

Views: 68

Comment by Sarah Thompson on January 18, 2008 at 9:06am
My students have created a writing blog as well. They absolutely love that little Cluster Map. Their goal was to reach readers in all seven continents. You should check it out when you get a chance. My students are fourth graders, so please be kind!
Comment by Sarah Thompson on January 18, 2008 at 9:06am
OOPS! Here's the blog site:
Comment by Donna Hebert on January 19, 2008 at 9:59am
Hi Sarah!

Thanks for sharing your student blog. I'm on my way over to your blog now!

I take it you're from Texas. Just between you and me, I am a UT alum, but now I'm in Colorado.
Comment by Sarah Thompson on January 19, 2008 at 11:41am
Wow! I went to ACU, nowhere near the caliber of UT and I wish they would have told us about this stuff when I was in college. It definitely would have made my teaching career for the last few years much more exciting!
Comment by Linda on January 19, 2008 at 12:04pm
I know exactly how you feel about student's excitement and clustrmaps. So here is a hit from Western NY if you would do the same for our page! Keep blogging KIDS!
Comment by Donna Hebert on January 19, 2008 at 1:50pm
Thank you muchas gracias!


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