I challenge the network to incorporate the use of one technology tool in their teaching in the next fortnight. Then tell us about it on your blog. For example, you may ask kids to interview the oldest person in their neighborhood using a podcast. This can be done through what many kids (or their parents) already own-a cellphone. The interviewer simply calls into a Gabcast channel, set up easily by the teacher in advance, entering the secret numbers.
Or maybe you connect with another classroom in another state via telephone video conference. I use Skype, a webcam, a desktop microphone, and a computer. If available, I project the image on the screen for my class to see. Kids love to talk (!) Talking to others their age in other states is a big deal.
Or maybe you create a wiki page for your class to collaborate with another class on a project about Biomes. Many wikis are free and some have wikis with no advertising for educational use.
Or maybe you ask your class to take pictures of their show and tell instead of bringing them to class. Using a digital camera makes it easy to share the photos online in a Flickr Account, on a class blog, or on a class wiki. Even polaroids (do they still have those?) can be scanned and uploaded.
Maybe you incorporate the use of a technology tool which I didn't mention. Tell the world what you did on your blog. If you can tag it networkchallenge
technorati tags: networkchallenge
Photo courtesy of selva taken on January 1, 1997 available at http://www.flickr.com/photos/35237096015@N01/24604141 and covered under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 license
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