Posted on September 25, 2012 at 12:08am 0 Comments 0 Likes
I've just discovered Storybird! It looks good but I'm wondering if anyone used it for setting tasks/assignments and assessment? http://
Posted on July 26, 2007 at 5:43pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
G'day Guys :-)
I just stumbled across this site yesterday whilst researching 21st Century educational transformation, and I must say I'm pretty impressed! What a great idea. It's awesome to see a collaborative network of like-minded folks who are striving to push education forward. Hopefully this mentality will spread across Australia as well!
Thanks Steve and Art Goddess for the welcome. I was only here 5 minutes and you wanted to be my friend already…
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My name is Alyshia Olsen; I am a 20 year old college student from Olin College of Engineering. I am a part of a group of 6 Olin College students (we're in Needham, MA, and engineering students) who has taken a year off to work on an education related project. Since you are in the 'e-learning and online teaching' group, I thought you might be interested! Our project is called AlightLearning, and this is our "short" project description:
Under the assumption that within ten years, the landscape of modern education will have fully integrated what we now define as new classroom media: video, online collaboration, open source curriculum and other web tools, we hope to pioneer a web software tool that acts as a platform for this new media, bringing the power of the web and its tools to students, teachers and parents in a secure, comfortable and innovative environment. Our goal is to have our free software at a pilot middle school by April 15th, 2009, continuing to develop and coordinate with our users to create a product that other schools want to pilot and use at their schools, while allowing individual teachers to implement this tool in their own classroom.
Our project, titled Alight Learning, is currently trying to win a competition for startup funding on You can find us at . We would love your support in the form of a vote within the next couple days, but more importantly we'd love your feedback and comments. Our description on Ideablob is short, and even the one above hardly gets at many of the issues we would like to take a stab at solving, but at least it's a start.
Feel free to email me back, check out, anything you like!
Alyshia Olsen
Lots to explore and learn from here...Gavin
Is it simplistic to assume all Australians are Moodle fans? I'm deep into Moodle myself. I've taught with all the major CMS software and like Moodle the best. (My buddies at Moodle rooms tell me that social networking elements are being built into Moodle profiles for release next year. Have you heard anything about this?
Greetings and welcome from Germany
Thanks for commenting on my Ning page and visiting my Clever Learning podcast. Good to see another down under ossie (as the American's say) in here digging around.
Thanks for accepting my invitation and it is great to connect with others in Oz.
Not sure about the duty of care angle, hotmail was blocked due to bandwidth issues, many sites that one would not want learners to access are still accessible, yet those that make up a learners world today, blocked - still does not make sense to me.
A duty of care is also expected with regards to the learning and quality of the learning provided. I personally feel that we are breaching that duty as the learning we provide on campus, is missing critical elements, elements that learners are asking for and need, to prepare them fully for their future's work and life.
Great if you can integrate by getting learners involved off campus and certainly better than neglecting, however I still firmly believe, all involved in learning in Australia, need to rally and make it clear to government and those making policy decisions, that if we do not improve the current situation, education in Australia is going to take backward steps whilst the rest of the world, forges ahead.
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