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Comment by Siobhan Ramsey on June 3, 2007 at 11:50am
I liked this video, for me it helped to tie up the technical jargon floating around my head from developing work. It joined some things up!
For me it says web 2.0 technology powers intuitive usage, simple visuals, accessible inputs and outputs and make it easy to share and communicate..
Comment by Durff on April 9, 2007 at 8:35am
Honestly, he makes Web 2.0 difficult. I think the whole point is accessibility for everyone (like me).
Comment by nlowell on April 8, 2007 at 10:07am
BTW, I agree with your explanation, Hans.

Web 2.0 means: Interactive users!

Love it. Short. Accurate. Effective.
Comment by nlowell on April 8, 2007 at 10:04am
I like Andi. I use Zend.

But I'm gonna put on a media critic's hat and be realistic about this piece. The more sensitive readers should change the channel now and make sure there are no children in the room.

First, this is a really good example of a poor use of video. I understand *why* it's done, but the reality is there are much better mechanisms for getting this limited content load out than burning three minutes of my life watching him talk and underline on a whiteboard. Like this explanation for example. Or this one (that I think is actually linked here -- Thanks, CoolCatTe... Video is *best* used for affective domain -- evoking a feeling -- or for demonstrations of motion over time. Neither of these characteristics are exhibited in these three minutes. He's using a bazillion euros worth of technology to deliver me a *lecture*. No. Sorry. Good first draft. Come back with the final version. Maybe something with a plot or perhaps some character development.

Second, this is a "developers" view of Web 2.0, not a user's view. RIA? SOA? BFD! And his emphasis on Ajax? Gee, what's behind *that*? Could it be he has some vested interest in promoting it? I'm just asking ...

Ya. I'm being kind snarky for an Easter Sunday, but we need to refine our literacy on this stuff if we expect to do more than come off like a buncha amateurs. This was a good exemplar of a "high-production value/low-content value" video.

And if you think I'm harsh on this, you should hear what I say about my own.
Comment by Hans Feldmeier on April 7, 2007 at 2:04pm
Hey, I feel that this explaination is a good one. Web 2.0 means: interactive users!


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