I've posted this before in different forms... here's another reincarnation:
I've created several resources for everyone interested to participate in and to use in the course of presentations and workshops:
1) a ning group
2) a flickr group
3) a wiki
4) a Google group
5) a Google
calendar (email me if you want to add your workshop/preso dates and I'll add you as a collaborator)
I need help with two things:
1) I am compiling a list of people and screen names who will not be at NECC, but who might want to participate in a video chat during one of my events. Let me know if you are interested.
2) I am interested in your thoughts on standards for Global Education/Global Awareness. I haven't found any organization that has suggestions on how global ideals should be incorporated into schools. Informally, what would you like to see if standards were developed for students, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, and administrators? What's important for our students, teachers, and admins to understand about the world? For instance, primary students should compare and contrast fairy tales from different cultures, pre-service teachers should be able to engage in a collaborative project with another class or teacher in another country, administrators should study educational systems of other countries in order to learn new ideas for our own system. These are not particularly creative ideas, but you get the drift, and I'm sure you'll have deeper thoughts than mine.
In order to respond to this question regarding standards, you can either respond to me in writing (elemenous@gmail.com), or ideally, send me a BRIEF Quicktime file of you speaking a few thoughts on this topic. You can do this ideally via iMovie and a built-in iSight camera if you have a newer Mac. Even recording your thoughts using Audacity and sending me the sound file would work. I'd like to incorporate soundbytes into various presentations and this would be a good way to include people who can't attend NECC. If you have time, I'd love your help... it doesn't have to be anything fancy!
I've posted this in other forums, and now am thinking about how to incorporate more Web 2.0 stuff in here. If you feel adventurous and techie, how about posting a video clip on this topic to You Tube or Google Video?
Lucy Gray