I am teaching 7th and 8th grade math and looking for good tech resources to use in my classroom. I currently use Jing in conjunction with a bamboo writing tablet to create video mini-lessons. My school has access to Angel, which is an online course management program similar to Blackboard. I post these videos on Angel for my students to use as a resources at home. Next year I will have a 1:1 laptop pilot with my students and I'm trying find other ways people are using technology in their math classrooms. Websites, softwares, hardware... all suggestions are welcome!

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I had my students tape each other showing a new concept or how to work through a problem for an audience and then uploaded them to TeacherTube. The kids love seeing how many hits they get.
Random, but hopefully helpful...You can use Vyew.com, which is a free online version of Elluminate. We use google sites to create web pages and have discussions. I've just started podcasting and am planning on making tutorials that are WRONG so that the students can correct my bad lessons (Gcast is free, easy and useful). Make sure to get a google account for use with google docs. These are all free. Sketch Up, Audacity, Scratch, Geogebra are all free programs that are good for math. Wikispaces is another free place to make a free education site that you can use for various purposes.
Well, you could view this aritcle Top E-Learning Tools of 2009 You Shouldn't Teach Without, it contains many useful websites and tools for your teaching.

Such as QuizCreator, a powerful assessment tool that you can create Flash online exam, quiz and test. You could insert and edit mathematical or scientific symbols with Equation Editor in QuizCreator.

WiZiQ offers free online e-teaching and e-learning using web conferencing with document and whiteboard sharing, teacher resumes and presentation sharing.

ScreenToaster is a Free online screen recorder paired with a video platform dedicated to screencasts. Just the perfect tool to search and find tutorials, howtos, reviews, tips and tricks, showcases, walkthrough and e-learning formations.



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