I will be working on an interesting multimedia presentation and I was wondering if anyone knows of some copyright friendly sites that would allow students to download educational videos in order to incorporate parts of the video into MovieMaker. We can't access Youtube in our district, so that is not an option.

Thanks so much,

Chris Clementi

Tags: multimedia, video, videos

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There are 3 schoolfriendly video sites I know of, www.teachertube.com www.schooltube.com www.nextvista.org you could also try www.dotsub.com which is a site that also enables trnaslations to be made and adds the translations as subtitles
Hi Chris,

You may want to take a look at Open Media Network or NUVU.tv (a site that compiles news clips from the net and organizes them fairly well. I also came across an article on TechLearning.com that discusses a couple of ways to download YouTube videos and save them as flash or mpeg videos. Check it out here.

Thanks for the feedback on sites that will let you download videos for multimedia projects. This network has been great! I hope I can reciprocate.
Thanks for asking this question! I learned a lot too--all I knew was teachertube and United Streaming, which is useful, but COSTLY and I don't have access anymore at my new school!
I have been getting feedback about United Streaming. We actually have it in our district. The only problem is I was wanting the students to be independent on gathering their videos for the presentations.The projects are pretty specific. Youtube would be perfect for this project, but there are too many inappropriate videos and it is blocked in our district. I don't know if I'm missing anything when it comes to United Streaming, but when downloading the movies, I have to convert it before inserting it into MovieMaker.

We used the Library of Congress site to create a multimedia project. Here's a link to our project: http://sfxlg.wikispaces.com/Industrialization
The students are able to download video, audio files and images from Library of Congress because the material is so old and no longer copyright protected. We used iMovie (Mac's program similar to Movie Maker.) The students downloaded several pieces of media from the site, and then imported the pieces into the video editing software. The students recorded their own narration to go along with the images. The results were really amazing! The only downside is that the videos are really small and when they are imported into the software, some of them can be quite grainy. iMovie does a great job with images though, with the Ken Burns effect.

The other idea is....what about just doing some filming on their own? A lot of digital still cameras have the ability to take short video. Maybe you could find out if teachers and parents could lend your class some still or digital cameras to use for your project. Our students routinely use their own cameras (since we only own 3) for projects.
My employer, WGBH, has recently begun releasing video for re-use in education. It's a bit disparate right now, as we try to reach different audiences:

Teacher's Domain is a digital library of learning resources from public broadcasting and other trusted sources. To see the media available for re-use go to http://www.teachersdomain.org/exhibits/hew06-ex/index.html and follow any of the links labeled "Download, Share, and Remix." (free registration required)

The WGBH Lab Sandbox is aimed less at educators and more at filmmakers. Its free resources are available for any use, at http://lab.wgbh.org/sandbox/

Other non-WGBH resource you might look is OER (Open Educational Resources) commons, http://oercommons.org and the emerging cclearn, http://learn.creativecommons.org from the folks who brought you the creative commons license.

- Peter Pinch
Director of Technology
WGBH Interactive
This is great! I am so glad you asked this question!



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