This is the final post to appear on ¡Vámonos! 1.0 as I have a new website –
I like Blogger for many reasons, not least that it’s free and it was my first blog, and will always be special.
However, the time has come to have my own domain and take another step up the ‘web ladder’.
Hopefully you, my loyal readers will soon get used to the less vibrant surroundings over at ¡Vámonos! version 2.0 and new readers will appreciate the mellow pinky lilac tones!
Click here to enter the brave new world of
Embedding languages was also the theme of the last session I attended at Language World.
In Unlocking potential Liz Black talked about a project, or as she prefers to call them ‘series of work in context’ inspired by Le Grand Parc - Puy de fou, a demonstration of community problem solving - in an area of poverty but with lots of land, the community got together to solve it by building a theme park. All the materials she used can be downloaded from Liz’s school website -
Her school has a cross curricular day each Wednesday duirng which departments work together, and this project covered history, drama, literacy, French, PSHE, enterprise and finances and more. She shared some brilliant ideas including using Latin roots to provoke pupils to think of words in English with those roots, and gladiator drama to encourage reluctant boys to speak French.
Feedback from staff and pupils was very positive with one child saying ‘I like it when teachers work together’.
I have to say that the website itself for Puy de Fou is absolutely beautiful to look at, with lots of things to click and see. Certainly makes you want to go there !
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Ya nos dirás qué te parece!
No sé si te acuerdas de nosotros: hace un año comenzamos un proyecto para hacer materiales audiovisuales para la enseñanza del español. Desde ayer ya tenemos la página web lista para compartir con los profesores de español.
Nuestro objetivo es hacer materiales en los que los alumnos aprendan el idioma a la vez que aprenden sobre la cultura de los países hispanos.
Para conseguir este objetivo, nuestro proyecto (que se llama Bablingua) incluye vídeos cortos, vídeos largos, tarjetas de vocabulario y un blog con actividades, juegos y nuevas ideas para todos los profesores de lengua extrangera (sobretodo a los de español).
Nuestra página es Esperamos que la disfrutes.
We hope you like it!
Alvaro and Laura
You may not remember me but I'm the guy you sent Ted to about, oh - 4 months ago. I'm so sorry that I haven't posted a lot of pics on Voicethread for you and your kids. Please apologize to them for me. I could make lots of excuses, but I won't. Let me just say that I'm going to really TRY to put some more up on voicethread in the new year. Call it a resolution if you will.
Hope you had a really good Christmas season and I PROMISE - we'll talk soon.
BTW - do you have a Skype number? Maybe we could chat live, if the time difference isn''t a problem. Unfortunately I don't think our kids could. Mine leave at 11:30 a.m. our time. That would have been kinda cute. Talk to you
I've been blogging madly over the past couple of days and I'm thinking about how I can make my blog a better resource for language teachers. I'd love to interview you over Skype about the cool things you do in your classroom, collaborations you are planning on etc, and ideas you've got. Would you be interested in that?
I've tagged you as part of the K12 Online conference meme. Have a read of my blog post about it to see what the task is...
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