Next to my work as a Deputy Head and teacher, I deeply focus on Web 2.0 applications. Additionally, I´m responsable for promoting European Projects like Comenius (Schoolprojects) or eTwinning (electronic partnerships between schools) for Bavaria/Germany. Moreover I´m a "FuturEnergy-Teacher" at the European Schoolnet and be in charge of competitions in Germany, e.g. At the moment I´m the coordinator of an eTwinning project called DigiSkills: Since September 08 I´m in charge for the EU funded project Web2Class as a coordinator. And I care about trainees from University of Regensburg (Faculty of Geography).
hello my dear Hans I am really impressed by what you have done ,you are very intelligent person as i saw that digiskills exist every where even in beirut !!!!
Hi Hans, thanks for the welcome. Would love to join digiskills. I'm thinking of using Ning next academic year (permission from authorities pending) and meanhile trying to push use of web 2.0 techs in and out of class - all good fun! Glad you like Smokie :-)
Vieln Dank Hans,
I want to say my compliments for this great initiative you have started. I'm trying tolearn as much as I can, though I have been invilved in e-learning since 1996. I've used this year web 2.0 in my courses for the first time and it worked really well. I plan to write a paper on it with a colleague.
Es freut mich sehr dass eine solche Iniziative auch in Europa entstanden ist.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Good evening Hans how are you my friend i hope everything is ok i just came back from the week end vacation and checking my mails i found one from you i am very happy to join this very interresting group ,maybe i am not very good writer in english but i am taking special courses now to improve my knowledge in english grammar .Have a good evening and hope see you soon in my country,did you saw my profile did i wrote it better than before????
I started poking around your website and am definitely engaged!
Thanks for inviting me to be a friend. I am very interested in learning how to use Web2.0 apps so I can support their use in our district. Thanks for your work!
Hi from Belgium.
In October there is a etwinning meeting here in Belgium for European Teachers, I do some workshops. Are you there at that time? Must say love your place here. 4 years ago I was in Munich for a project with my students, great city. See you around.
Hallo Hans,
Vielen Dank für Ihre Einladung. Ich akzeptiert und fügen Sie meinen Namen zu Ihrer Gruppe Digiskills.
Vielle Grusse aus Argentinien !!
Thanks Hans. I am looking forward to networking a bit here. As you know I have my own site, but then that's what Social networking is about...isn't it? Let me know if I can help you, or if you have a student who would benefit from a tutor...send em my way. The tutors on our site are well educated and experienced in most every subject.
By the way, I don't personally benefit from their tutoring. I don't collect money or negotiate the transaction. Each tutor is responsible for that...we just share some tools to make it easier. Hope all is well.
Yes, you are right, I am from Spain, but I have already being leaving for a while in Finland. Actually I have being looking at your pictures and it is pretty much possible that you have visited my home town in Andalusia :)
Here in Finland I teach Spanish as a second language in the university and I do active research about fostering foreign language learning with wikis, topic that I really love.
Thank you very much for being so open and invite me so quickly to your group, I will join it as soon as possible. We are starting semester here and I cannot focuse on these things as well as I would like, but Iittle by little I will became an active member of this community.
thanks for finding me, i'll be working on my profile soon! i will most definitely check out your blog and will join as I am interested in the new tools there to incorporate in my teaching.
Thanks for your note. I will check out your group.
Are you looking to do collaborative projects with other schools? The teachers that I work with in my district are very interested in doing some kind of collaborative projects with other schools. Please let me know if you are interested.
Tönt alles sehr spannend! Ich bin gerade dabei meine zahlreichen Webpräsenzen über ein privates NING-Netzwerk zu organisieren:
Ist allerdings noch nicht ganz fertig für zukünftige Mitglieder.
Sobald ich etwas Zeit finde, werde ich mir deine Sachen im Detail anschauen. Ich war gestern zur Talkrunde D21 - Exzellenzprojekt ( nach Bonn eingeladen, um mit deutschen Schulleitern über "Digitale Dimensionen der Eigenverantwortlichen Schule" zu diskutieren. Da läuft ja wirklich einiges bei euch in Deutschland.
Hi Hans! Greetings from Brazil - Belém too! Thank you so much for telling me about you sites! As I am really interested in learning more about Technology in Education, I'll certainly join DigiSkills group. Thanks for the invitation:-)
Hello from sunny Florida Hans, I viewed your site before and found it amazing. It is a brilliant example of what can be done with technology! I can only hope to one day develop your skills. I will be delighted to join your DigiSkills group and learn more about how you do what you do! Thanks ever so much for the invitation. Bavaria is lucky to have you!
Hi Hans, Thank you for the welcome note. I hope you are pleased with the elections in Bavaria. Big change for the ruling party.
I appreciate all the great links on your page. Thanks.
Thanks for the invite - I am a little unsure of what your program is - can you tell me more about it? I am a teacher coach at a high school with 1800 students. We do have access to some great technology, but not through-out the entire site. I am very intrigued though!
It was great to review your information. It is awesome. I just wrote a book called, "Using Humor to Maximize Learning". It is based on cognitive research and includes lots of practical applications for inclusion of humor/joy in the classroom--but few involve technology. I have a lot to learn! I have used my research and book to teach several college classes to educators and have a web site with several power points and current research items posted. I am looking for ways to expand my marketing and humor information using technology.
Your site helped me realize the infinate possibilities.
Thank you from Mary Kay in Rockford, Illinois USA~
Schöne Grüße aus Finnland! Eine überransende und itressante Einladung. Schade dass fast alle unsere Social Web Dinge sind auf Finnisch. Ich werde hier neugerig guggen... Und herzlich Wilkommen
Hallo Hans,
vielen Dank für deine nette Begrüßung! :-)
Ich komme aus dem Raum Freiburg und schnupper hier ganz begeistert herum. Ich werde auch gleich einmal deine Gruppe und Comenius austesten.
Spanish music? With this music I feel like in my own home. Thanks.
¿A bull? I'm sure you've got lots of good friends in Tenerife.
I live near Madrid, but I'm from Granada.
I'd like to invite you to my group. But it isn't here. It's in other Ning Net: "Internet en el Aula". This net was created in the last "Congreso Internet en el aula". My group is EDU 1:1 - tIcGUALDAD. TIC para todo el alumnado. (ITquality - IT for every student). It's the group with more members in "Internet en el aula". In Spain, there are many problems to extend IT in a great deal of schools.
The word tIcGUALDAD wasn's ivented by me. It was a good idea of a good friend in my group.
I'm sure you will be able to teach us lots of things.
Thanks for welcoming me to the site. You have some fantastic resources here on this page, I am really inspired by your enthusiasm and energy. Looking forward to seeing what you and your students do next! =)
Vielen Dank fur die Einladung. Ich werde definitiv mal reinschauen, hort sich interessant an.
Grusse aus dem sonnigen Portugal,
p.s. meine Frau ist Deutsche ;)
Danke Hans..., aber meine Frau hilft mir hier, auf Deutsch zu schreiben... :)
ich kenne João Alves gut, wenn Sie Hilfe mit Ihrem Projekt brauchen sagen Sie mir bescheid, ich bin der Apple ADE (Apple Distinguished Educator) Koordinator fur Portugal... Ausserdem bin ich Assistent an der portug. Architekturuni... ; ich weiss, das Comenius nicht fur Unis sit, aber wenn Sie etwas brauchen, sagen Sie bescheid...
Grusse NMS
Hi Hans, thank you for the Welcome to Classroom 2.0! Would love to use some of your stuff on here on SMART blogs and MySMARTSpaces. We'll start by linking to you and sharing with the our community the work you're doing. By the way are you on Twitter? Love to connect on there - we're, Thanks again Paul
Thankyou for adding me as your collegue. I am amazed at the work that you are doing! I have connected classrooms between Australia, US and Wales. Our latest project has been fascinating based on the question, do we see the same phase of the moon from the different hemispheres? So I lok forward to learning more from your work. :-)
Hi Hans it was a delight to get your message. I teach IB English B and in an effort to get my student to be more engaged with their English language learning I am trying to include more web 2.0 tools into my course. I am amzed by what you have included on this site and will be following your progress. What is e-twinning???
Thanks again for adding me as a colleague.
Jo Farrer
Hi Hans, thanks for the invite. I'll certainly keep an eye on the plethora of interesting things you've got going on here, and I'll have a look at DigiSkills.
Amy Sewell
Aug 13, 2008
angela zakhem
Aug 15, 2008
Aug 15, 2008
Brid Lane
Aug 17, 2008
Oriol Miralbell
I want to say my compliments for this great initiative you have started. I'm trying tolearn as much as I can, though I have been invilved in e-learning since 1996. I've used this year web 2.0 in my courses for the first time and it worked really well. I plan to write a paper on it with a colleague.
Es freut mich sehr dass eine solche Iniziative auch in Europa entstanden ist.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Aug 17, 2008
angela zakhem
Aug 17, 2008
Laura Kelly
Aug 18, 2008
Jan Svoboda
Thanks for inviting me to be a friend. I am very interested in learning how to use Web2.0 apps so I can support their use in our district. Thanks for your work!
Aug 19, 2008
Lucas Van de paer
In October there is a etwinning meeting here in Belgium for European Teachers, I do some workshops. Are you there at that time? Must say love your place here. 4 years ago I was in Munich for a project with my students, great city. See you around.
Aug 26, 2008
Miguel Prado Lima
Vielen Dank für Ihre Einladung. Ich akzeptiert und fügen Sie meinen Namen zu Ihrer Gruppe Digiskills.
Vielle Grusse aus Argentinien !!
Aug 26, 2008
Jeff Redding
Please visit anytime. The voice chat is open 24/7.
Aug 27, 2008
Aug 27, 2008
Jim Crawford
By the way, I don't personally benefit from their tutoring. I don't collect money or negotiate the transaction. Each tutor is responsible for that...we just share some tools to make it easier. Hope all is well.
Aug 31, 2008
Weitzel-Gümpel Iris
Ich wünsche Dir noch schöne Restferien!
Sep 4, 2008
Carmen Martínez
Yes, you are right, I am from Spain, but I have already being leaving for a while in Finland. Actually I have being looking at your pictures and it is pretty much possible that you have visited my home town in Andalusia :)
Here in Finland I teach Spanish as a second language in the university and I do active research about fostering foreign language learning with wikis, topic that I really love.
Thank you very much for being so open and invite me so quickly to your group, I will join it as soon as possible. We are starting semester here and I cannot focuse on these things as well as I would like, but Iittle by little I will became an active member of this community.
Carmen M.
Sep 5, 2008
Carmen Martínez
Sep 5, 2008
nathalie ettzevoglou
thanks for finding me, i'll be working on my profile soon! i will most definitely check out your blog and will join as I am interested in the new tools there to incorporate in my teaching.
Sep 9, 2008
Lynn Reedy
Thanks for your note. I will check out your group.
Are you looking to do collaborative projects with other schools? The teachers that I work with in my district are very interested in doing some kind of collaborative projects with other schools. Please let me know if you are interested.
Sep 9, 2008
Martin Hofmann
Herzlichen Dank für deine Nachricht.
Gerne trete ich deiner Gruppe bei.
Freue mich auf den ersten Face-to-Face-Kontakt.
Grüsse Martin
Sep 12, 2008
Martin Hofmann
Tönt alles sehr spannend! Ich bin gerade dabei meine zahlreichen Webpräsenzen über ein privates NING-Netzwerk zu organisieren:
Ist allerdings noch nicht ganz fertig für zukünftige Mitglieder.
Sobald ich etwas Zeit finde, werde ich mir deine Sachen im Detail anschauen. Ich war gestern zur Talkrunde D21 - Exzellenzprojekt ( nach Bonn eingeladen, um mit deutschen Schulleitern über "Digitale Dimensionen der Eigenverantwortlichen Schule" zu diskutieren. Da läuft ja wirklich einiges bei euch in Deutschland.
Herzlichen Dank für deine wertvollen Hinweise!
Grüsse aus der Schweiz Martin
Sep 12, 2008
Marcela da Silva Amaral
Sep 14, 2008
Find more videos like this on SANTA LIVE NOW
Sep 21, 2008
Judy A. Williams
Sep 28, 2008
Lisette G. Casey
I appreciate all the great links on your page. Thanks.
Sep 29, 2008
Emily Diehl
Thanks for the invite - I am a little unsure of what your program is - can you tell me more about it? I am a teacher coach at a high school with 1800 students. We do have access to some great technology, but not through-out the entire site. I am very intrigued though!
Sep 30, 2008
Or-Tal Kiriati
Oct 2, 2008
Mary Kay Morrison
It was great to review your information. It is awesome. I just wrote a book called, "Using Humor to Maximize Learning". It is based on cognitive research and includes lots of practical applications for inclusion of humor/joy in the classroom--but few involve technology. I have a lot to learn! I have used my research and book to teach several college classes to educators and have a web site with several power points and current research items posted. I am looking for ways to expand my marketing and humor information using technology.
Your site helped me realize the infinate possibilities.
Thank you from Mary Kay in Rockford, Illinois USA~
Oct 7, 2008
Anne Rongas
Oct 11, 2008
Rafael Espinoza
Oct 19, 2008
Sandra Schmid
vielen Dank für deine nette Begrüßung! :-)
Ich komme aus dem Raum Freiburg und schnupper hier ganz begeistert herum. Ich werde auch gleich einmal deine Gruppe und Comenius austesten.
Liebe Grüße, Sandra
Oct 21, 2008
Rafael Espinoza
Nov 1, 2008
Meghan Schaefer
Thank you so much for introducing yourself. I appreciate your suggestions and look forward to joing your group.
Nov 20, 2008
Anthony Lupo
Great choice of music on your page!
Nov 20, 2008
Antonio Tux
I've just joined to DigitSkill.
Spanish music? With this music I feel like in my own home. Thanks.
¿A bull? I'm sure you've got lots of good friends in Tenerife.
I live near Madrid, but I'm from Granada.
I'd like to invite you to my group. But it isn't here. It's in other Ning Net: "Internet en el Aula". This net was created in the last "Congreso Internet en el aula". My group is EDU 1:1 - tIcGUALDAD. TIC para todo el alumnado. (ITquality - IT for every student). It's the group with more members in "Internet en el aula". In Spain, there are many problems to extend IT in a great deal of schools.
The word tIcGUALDAD wasn's ivented by me. It was a good idea of a good friend in my group.
I'm sure you will be able to teach us lots of things.
Nov 22, 2008
Antonio Tux
I have written too fast.
Nov 22, 2008
Antonio Tux
It has been a great surprise.
We will need your help and support.
Nov 23, 2008
Paul Jinks
Thanks for welcoming me to the site. You have some fantastic resources here on this page, I am really inspired by your enthusiasm and energy. Looking forward to seeing what you and your students do next! =)
Nov 28, 2008
Pam Allyn
Nov 28, 2008
Yossi Nahmias
Nov 30, 2008
Ghislain Fabre
Thanks for your invitation !
Congrats for your great collaborative website, very interesting :)
Nov 30, 2008
N. Miguel Seabra
Vielen Dank fur die Einladung. Ich werde definitiv mal reinschauen, hort sich interessant an.
Grusse aus dem sonnigen Portugal,
p.s. meine Frau ist Deutsche ;)
Nov 30, 2008
N. Miguel Seabra
ich kenne João Alves gut, wenn Sie Hilfe mit Ihrem Projekt brauchen sagen Sie mir bescheid, ich bin der Apple ADE (Apple Distinguished Educator) Koordinator fur Portugal... Ausserdem bin ich Assistent an der portug. Architekturuni... ; ich weiss, das Comenius nicht fur Unis sit, aber wenn Sie etwas brauchen, sagen Sie bescheid...
Grusse NMS
Nov 30, 2008
nice to mit you.
se you soon
Nov 30, 2008
Dec 1, 2008
Dec 4, 2008
Anne-Maree Moore
Dec 7, 2008
Joanna Farrer
Thanks again for adding me as a colleague.
Jo Farrer
Dec 13, 2008
Anne-Maree Moore
Dec 13, 2008
Jesse Sped
Dec 14, 2008
Andrew Merryweather
Dec 15, 2008