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First Foray into Second Life

I now have a Second Life. In SL I'm Ernestine Snoodle. Tonight I went to a presentation on Project Based Learning given by Jane Krauss and Suzie Boss. I enjoyed it and it was quite interesting, but I'm somewhat overwhelmed by what I need know how to do in SL. It took me quite a while to figure out just how to sit down at the amphitheater and forget learning how to raise my hand during the presentation, instead I accidentally jumped up in the air when I tried to follow the commands people were… Continue

Added by Lee Ann Spillane on May 27, 2008 at 7:04pm — No Comments

My Amazing People

Kevin Honeycutt started something really cool: A list of what he calls his "Amazing People." People who inspire him, motivate him, teach him. I am honored to be on his list.

Here is his list: Click on Amazing People

That got me thinking about my "Amazing People"

Here is my… Continue

Added by Tim Holt on May 27, 2008 at 3:23pm — No Comments

Tech Byte: Online Reputation--Who's Watching Yours?

Today our Tech Byte gathers inspiration from Jeff Utecht, a widely known and respected educator and presenter who teaches in China. He discovered that his school's Wikipedia entry had incorrect information in it so he writes about the broader implications of that. (FYI - this week's Byte is not about wikis again.)

reputation_look.jpgJeff's post begets another equally important question, "What is your personal online reputation?" I am frequently in the business of teaching youngsters… Continue

Added by L. Suzanne Shanks on May 27, 2008 at 12:00pm — No Comments

First Class Done

Finished my first graduate course for my instructional technology program and loved it. I got so much more out of it than I did with my first masters in science education. I look forward to the one week intensive class I'll be taking this summer on hypermedia design and instruction. I also have the opportunity to begin redesigning my curriculum for next year. I'm going to further differentiate my instruction by adding more instructional technology options for students.

Added by Scott Beiter on May 27, 2008 at 8:47am — No Comments

Live NASA Broadcast via I had to share this one with everyone. I am so intrigued by this stream since it's the live events of a day in the life of a NASA astronaut. You have to stop for a second to watch and listen. It is truly amazing!!

Added by Cheryl Capozzoli on May 27, 2008 at 7:33am — No Comments

New Literacies?

I'm not an educational technologist, not by training, but I do love to share what I learn with other teachers and show them how they can use digital tools in their classroom to build literacy. This year in the Reading Writing Center I did a lot of that. If the RWC is truly a literacy-rich place where I demonstrate best practice literacy instruction then it makes sense to incorporate the "new literacies." Ewan McIntosh twitted a question about new literacies this morning asking if Twitter would… Continue

Added by Lee Ann Spillane on May 27, 2008 at 6:30am — No Comments

An interesting clip

So, this semester is coming to its end. I must admit, I'm as tired as I'm psyched for the summer. My time is mostly spent with my family - if I'm not working - with Adam (my two-year-old) and Eric (our new-born). Still, I've had some time to check out this clip on Youtube.

It sure makes me think, but for the time being, I have to face the problem of only having four computers on 25 people.

Still, the future is… Continue

Added by Daniel Hermansson on May 27, 2008 at 6:25am — No Comments

Our Drug Abuse Scrapblogs!

We did a slideshow on to showcase our research on drug abuse. We then posted them on our wikispaces. Here is just… Continue

Added by Lisa Burden on May 26, 2008 at 11:00pm — No Comments

VoiceThread sample

Please join in and add your memories and thoughts about events in our recent… Continue

Added by Karen Fasimpaur on May 26, 2008 at 9:43am — No Comments

Hello Everyone 2.0

My non-profit blog is here:

My science blog Siyensya is here:

Have a great day

Added by Kevin on May 26, 2008 at 6:00am — 5 Comments

My Blog...

My Blog is posted on the Ohio Educational Technology site:

Added by Doug Jones on May 25, 2008 at 3:34pm — No Comments

Free E-Learning

Hi Everyone,

I believe online learning should be free and available worldwide. If

you feel the same, join me at Integrating Technology: Exploring New

where you can learn and create your own online courses using

Moodle course management system (CMS). Free Moodle training and

professional development courses will be offered free of charge to

teachers who wish to provide free learning for others.… Continue

Added by Dr. Nellie Deutsch on May 25, 2008 at 4:10am — No Comments

Diigo Web 2.0 Page

While testing out the functionality of Diigo, I created a categorized Web 2.0 applications page here:

Added by Kathy Schrock on May 24, 2008 at 7:00pm — 3 Comments

Poor Puppy

Added by Lucinda on May 23, 2008 at 11:28pm — No Comments

Bad Kitty

Added by Lucinda on May 23, 2008 at 11:27pm — No Comments


Hey guys,

I don't want to be lazy but I don't want to take summer school and be in a classroom for the majority of the day so I decided to join an online classroom so I can make "friends" who are interested in the same academic areas as I am. My main interest is in Espanol.. Spanish. I just started to learn and it's really fun but at the same time, I need practice so don't be shy to share links with me. I'll list some of my favorites to start:

For… Continue

Added by Spanish Maestro on May 23, 2008 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Transat Artemis

We're tracking the sailors as they approach Boston!


2D Race Viewer:… Continue

Added by Lorraine on May 23, 2008 at 5:30am — No Comments

Interactive Whiteboards

I teach 5th grade and currently a group of teachers where I work at, myself included, are looking into the possibility of purchasing the Smartboard. I have been teaching for 4 years and I have found that technology integration is a tremendous help with student achievement. I have found some useful and informative videos on Youtube about the use of Interactive Whiteboards. I would love to hear from anyone who is currently using anyone. Thank you and keep up the great work that you… Continue

Added by Sergio on May 22, 2008 at 9:37pm — 6 Comments

Just getting started!

Here it is almost a year later and I haven't set up my blog on Classroom 2.0. I have other blogs to keep up with now I have discovered that I would like to keep up with this one as well. Check out

Added by PaulPam2 on May 22, 2008 at 6:59pm — No Comments

DigiSkills Project Meeting

In May 2008 a DigiSkills schoolproject meeting took place in Prague and Bayreuth. About 20 Teachers from 8 european countries involved attended this final meeting. Additionally 15 students across Europe came along to show their results working on digital applications in the classroom: Voicethreads, Blogs, Podcasts, Videos and more.

Added by Hans Feldmeier on May 22, 2008 at 2:23am — No Comments

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