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Added by Santa on May 6, 2008 at 8:12am — 2 Comments

A simple choice - be part of the future or be part of the past.

I can't put the issue of technology and how we respond to it more simply than this. Teachers and schools are faced with a stark and simple choice - either we recognise and embrace how new technologies have utterly transformed how people access, share and create knowledge and help our students to use these technologies as effective learning tools, or we stick with the media and means of instruction that we are used to and comfortable with and consign ourselves to the dustbin of… Continue

Added by David Johncock on May 6, 2008 at 2:35am — 2 Comments

Science Fair Part 1

The science Fair is always interesting to see how the students come up with questions and their results. We had students who made home made lava lamps to twinkie burning. I really enjoy seeing their energy when talking about their projects.

Added by Teresa Morgan on May 5, 2008 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Learning and mentoring in the non-school hours and via the Internet

It has been great to see the number of participants and groups grow on Classroom 2.0. I've met some talented people and gained some useful ideas.

However, I did a search on the home page over the weekend, for youth mentoring, and found dozens of pages with this title. Thus, my question to this group is "how are we connecting what we're doing here, with what others are talking about in other forums? How are we putting the ideas to work to create more learning… Continue

Added by Daniel Bassill on May 5, 2008 at 7:44am — No Comments

ni hao!

Hello/Ni hao, This is a chat session in both Chinese and English.How do you like it?

Added by Yaodong on May 5, 2008 at 4:53am — No Comments


I wanted to do a fun lesson with virtual students when they met in person for their academy day. They were all ArtSnacks families and were very familiar with me virtually but had met me only a few times in person. I decided to make styrofoam dinosaurs with them. Teachers and parents began collecting styrofoam packing material weeks in advance and on our day we were quite ready to build! For the materials list go… Continue

Added by Kevin on May 4, 2008 at 11:55pm — 1 Comment

Students Learning Geography, Math and to never quit!

Check out my latest blog post on M A G E E's Blog - amazing story! Makes me feel like I have it too easy and don't do enough. What are you teaching your students and what are they learning?

Added by Connie Masson on May 4, 2008 at 9:16pm — No Comments


[Cross posted at The Next Step]

Schools often like to say that one of their major educational goals is to create lifelong learners in their students. It's an interesting goal to have considering so many teachers stop learning somewhere along the way. If teachers have stopped educating themselves, can they still ask their students to become life long learners? Teaching isn't… Continue

Added by Cory Plough on May 4, 2008 at 8:53pm — No Comments

Guangxi University of Technology Students Meet Skipper Rich Wilson

Last summer I introduced Skipper Rich Wilson to teachers who I had befriended on his earlier voyages. In this webcast I introduced him to students in Guangxi University of Technology in Liuzhou, China. There is a slight delay after the intro and then the students begin speaking. Interview Steve Hargadon interviewed Rich Wilson in the Live Conversations available in the videos section of Classroom 2.0. To see a video of the… Continue

Added by Lorraine on May 4, 2008 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Views on wikis and blogs

I was just reading someone's blog on wanting to know misconceptions on wikis and blogs. I have had many people confused about the two tools. A lady named Sylvia really summed it up well. "A wiki is a means to collaboratively get to an end product, something a teacher can look at, assess, and grade. It's easier to adapt your current curriculum to use a wiki, since curriculum is also product focused. (Of course, a wiki offers all sorts of… Continue

Added by Melissa Smith on May 4, 2008 at 8:00am — 2 Comments

Music and learning

Does anyone else incorporate music in their classes? Research has identified that it has so many benefits for learning such as improved attention, concentration, motivates. Using music to welcome students to the class, during movement (get them up and moving rather than sitting at desks), during group time etc: Make learning fun: music and movement

Added by Marie on May 3, 2008 at 6:48pm — No Comments


I am having these huge desires to implement too many new web 2.0 tools and have no classroom of my own. It makes me miss being the classroom teacher. Here is what I am envisioning for the school 08-09.

Ning - My school is going to NING! That is so exciting! Our small group meetings, book clubs, grade level meetings are going into the group area of the NING. I am very interested in what the teachers area going to think about… Continue

Added by Melissa Smith on May 3, 2008 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

Introduction to PC Troubleshooting

Maintaining your PC Week one

With the amount of information available for download on the internet it's easy to quickly fill up your valuable hard drive space and turn your PC into a sluggish, unresponsive monster. Keeping your hard drive clean is essential to the high performance that the latest computers can achieve. Fortunately, it's a simple process; one that can easily be performed on a regular basis and, with some organization, keep your computer running like a well-oiled… Continue

Added by Laura Utgard on May 2, 2008 at 10:44am — No Comments

Empowering Children-Where to Draw the Line?

Tina's son, now eleven and a half years old, has reached the seventh grade. She is proud of her son, he is doing well in school, and has enough on hand the whole day, pursuing his hobbies. And all is going fine, she thanks God for this.. But a thought seems to be nagging her of late, She feels her son does not look as mature as his classmates, he seems to be blissfully unaware of this, and she notices that other parents who have same-age sons hand over much more responsibility to them. She on… Continue

Added by Varnika Kapoor on May 2, 2008 at 2:30am — No Comments

thesis project take 2

Hello everyone! It has been a while since I've checked in on Classroom 2.0...

I've decided to take my thesis project in a new direction...I'm going to create a website or blog with all of my research/findings/recommendations/etc., so I shall see what happens now...

This is a huge undertaking for me considering the most experience I've had with blogs is this...though I have created a website before, so I semi-decently know what I'm doing...I hope... =)

My thesis… Continue

Added by me bo on May 1, 2008 at 3:29pm — No Comments

Greetings May

Today, I'm away from the kids while attending KSDE Conference. Having called in 3 times so far I am discovering that even though I am gone the students are plugging away at projects and work completion as the year draws to a close. I am pleased to know that while I can be away learning and sharing with adults that they are doing their job of learning.

Added by Teresa Morgan on May 1, 2008 at 10:11am — No Comments

And so it begins.

Hi everyone!

I've been researching the Internet and found many tools that are useful. Still there's the situation at my school where we have classrooms made for 26-30 pupils and they're only equipped with three computers. I need not say that this poses problems.

I've chosen this place to post my blog on since it feels right for me.

Currently I work with teenagers 13-16 year-olds teaching English and French and trying to incorporate the latest ICT in my… Continue

Added by Daniel Hermansson on May 1, 2008 at 9:57am — 1 Comment

Free rice -Play the vocabulary game and feed hungry children

About FreeRice

FreeRice is a sister site of the world poverty site,

FreeRice has two goals:

1. Provide English vocabulary to everyone for free.

2. Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.

This is made possible by the sponsors who advertise on this… Continue

Added by Sigi on May 1, 2008 at 6:30am — No Comments

SimpleAssessment - Finally Done!

PHEW! Finally was able to launch the new product today. Feels great - like the feeling I used to get after final exams and school was wrapping up for the year. Now I can breath...just for a minute though!

My company works with school districts across the country, and they kept asking us to make an easy assessment tool to prove that their students were technologically literate - because the NCLB Act requires this by the time students reach the 8th grade. I formed a committee of about… Continue

Added by Lisa on April 30, 2008 at 7:44am — No Comments

Tutoring: A relief for parents

Not all people in USA earn fat salary cheques, there are many people in USA who fall in lower middle class. They also have duties and commitments towards their children education. The point is they have limitations in terms of money to be spend on children education, keeping their budget tight they have to manage everything. It is comfortable if their child is scoring good grades in school but the problem arises if their child is scoring poor grades and he/she needs tutoring. We, all know the… Continue

Added by Jasonrichmond on April 30, 2008 at 1:48am — No Comments

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