I was running through my Google Reader this morning when I came across this post from Scott McLeod. Actually, it's more like a question for reflection than a post.
Given the realities of our modern age and the demands of our children's future, is it really okay to allow teachers to choose whether or not they incorporate modern technologies into their
Of course, there are posts…
Added by Kelly Christopherson on April 30, 2007 at 5:51pm —
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I am a computer lover and have been in a tech rich environment for 4 years. I have seen how technology can transform learning and make an impact on students. I am leaving the traditional classroom to become a director of an after school program that is geared to assist minority students in experiencing academic success and graduation completion. I would love to hear from any of you to see if you have heard of a program that uses technology to achieve some of the same goals.
Added by Tina Bulleigh on April 30, 2007 at 3:22pm —
First of all I'd like to thank so many people for asking to be added as friends. I'm totally new to this stuff though. I don't know what the purpose of friends is or why someone would request to be added as a friend or what the purpose of the friend's function of blogs is. Would anyone mind explaining? I'll invite you out for a virtual beer.
Added by Richard on April 30, 2007 at 2:58pm —
I enjoy reading blogs, and dabble in one myself. However, I doubt that I could keep up with two personal/professional blogs. My blog is at http://it4teachers.blogspot.com
Added by TeacherVillage on April 30, 2007 at 1:15pm —
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When I began exploring Classroom 2.0 last week, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. First I just put a few little things up, invited a few folks, and figured that might be about it. Then I began receiving invites from others, and they were responding to some of my discussions. Now, I have this huge list of resources to explore and whole slew of new teacher friends and an obsessed, just like my college students are with FaceBook. I thnk that is a good thing!!!
On Sunday…
Added by Cyndi Danner-Kuhn on April 30, 2007 at 10:59am —
Hello all!
Thanks to Kathy Schrock for her site of the week, I discovered this community. I hope to join in the discussion focused on transforming teaching and learning. if you are part of SL, come check out my new home on EduIslandII, my SL name is Meg Writer, search for me and I will teleport you over!
Added by Meg Ormiston on April 30, 2007 at 10:02am —
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Hi Classroom 2.0'rs!
I just posted something on my blog over at GenYES about one reason why teachers stick with instructional techniques (1.0 teaching) instead of using more 2,0 teaching techniques - call it guide-on-the-side vs. sage-on-the-stage, or constructivist, or project-based, or progressive. There are many, many reasons, but here's one that may be new (plus I got a comment on that post! I'm so excited!)…
Added by Sylvia Martinez on April 30, 2007 at 9:54am —
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authorGEN is relatively new concern, trying to create a niche for itself as a complete online education solution provider. It has many products in their intial and early stages of a complete solution.
www.authorgen.com lists authorPOINT, a desktop presentation capturing tool which allows you to capture your video and narrate your powerpoints while it captures the lesson. You can annotate and use pointer on the slides as you do on a blackboard in…
Added by Umesh Sharma on April 30, 2007 at 1:55am —
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I have enough trouble writing on my own blog so I'm not going to start a new one here but if anyone is remotely interested please feel free to visit
Added by Paul Wilkinson on April 30, 2007 at 1:36am —
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I have read everything I can possibly get a hold of on Web 2.0 and integrating technology into education. I have attended conferences, held PD sessions for teachers and spoke to so many people I have lost count. What's the problem then? The pace of educational change seems to be so slow compared to technological change. I am beginning to wonder if, inside the walls of schools, the 21st century is really here?
But, I see the future of education. I read the blogs and listen to the…
Added by techmentor on April 29, 2007 at 7:42pm —
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Starting in the fall I will be teaching a class to seniors called, "21st Century Skills". We will be giving each student a laptop (apple of course). The content of the class has not be set yet, but will include 21st Century skills and Web 2.0. I would love input from my colleagues on what these students need to survive in the "real world". What are your thoughts on this topic? Does anyone else do anything like this?
Added by Tanya Gray on April 29, 2007 at 6:46pm —
I have not used any of these programs but thought some find have a interest in checking them out. Listing courtesy of Smosh Forum.
3Delight Free -
http://www.3delight.com/index.htmAnim8or -
http://www.anim8or.com/Blender -
http://www.blender3d.org/Now3D -…
Added by Lynne Wolters on April 29, 2007 at 1:36pm —
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I have not used these programs but thought some of you may be looking for a free image editing program for you classroom use. Listing courtesy of Smosh Forums.
ArtRage -
http://www.ambientdesign.com/artrage.htmlColorPic -
http://www.iconico.com/colorpic/Deep Paint -…
Added by Lynne Wolters on April 29, 2007 at 1:32pm —
Hello all! My name is Jerry and until this past year, I was a middle school math teacher in Hays, Kansas. I have since taken a job with an education service center (SWPRSC) here in Kansas. In my new position, I am learning tons and plan to learn tons more. I am currently working with elementary and middle school math teachers across the state and am facilitating a technology grant in a rural Kansas school (Hill City for those of you interested.) If all goes as planned I should complete my…
Added by Jerry Braun on April 29, 2007 at 7:50am —
Please have a look at this funny Search Engine. It´s not Google or Yahoo, it´s just fun!
MsDewey for some minutes.
I´ld like to get to know your impressions!?

Added by Hans Feldmeier on April 29, 2007 at 5:02am —
Excuse the multiple cross-postings on various listservs etc....
http://globaleducation.ning.com/At the National Educational Computing Conference to be held in Atlanta, Georgia this June, fellow ADE Julene Reed and I will be hosting a
workshop on global collaboration. I plan on utilizing a variety of
tools and resources throughout this hands-on class, including Ning, a
service that allows one to establish…
Added by Lucy Gray on April 28, 2007 at 11:20pm —
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I have backed up my Atlanta reservations to attend this too. I am so looking forward to Atlanta!
Added by Cathy Nelson on April 28, 2007 at 4:54pm —
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This morning
on my blog I posted an entry considering the relationship between what Grant Wiggins has labeled "Understanding by Design" "Differentiated Instruction" and Web 2.0. While writing this entry I started thinking about the role of sims in different ways than I had before. I'd love to find a list of sims that are free, easy to download, and high quality for educational purposes. Imagine how easy it would be to engage kinestenthic…
Added by Andrew Pass on April 28, 2007 at 11:49am —
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I have been thinking about my experiences this year with our teachers in Laptop Focus Group, my Lead Tech Team, and
Kal-Tech and I can't help but think about the growth we all have made ..... as an individual, contributor, creator, teacher. Wow!! My brain can't hold it all :-)
Kal-Tech team is made up of a great group of educators from Ellis, Kansas. They are excellent educators struggling…
Added by Karla Murray on April 28, 2007 at 8:00am —
Check out a Web 2.0 Tool for the classroom:
Now each teacher or student is able to place a powerpoint online on a website or blog. It helps a lot thinking about a result of a webquest ...
Have a look at one of my
Added by Hans Feldmeier on April 28, 2007 at 3:41am —