Hans Feldmeier



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School / Work Affiliation
Secondary Modern School "Max-Ulrich-von-Drechsel"-Realschule Regenstauf
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About Me
Next to my work as a Deputy Head and teacher, I deeply focus on Web 2.0 applications. Additionally, I´m responsable for promoting European Projects like Comenius (Schoolprojects) or eTwinning (electronic partnerships between schools) for Bavaria/Germany. Moreover I´m a "FuturEnergy-Teacher" at the European Schoolnet and be in charge of competitions in Germany, e.g. www.futurenergia.org. At the moment I´m the coordinator of an eTwinning project called DigiSkills: www.e-digiskills.eu. Since September 08 I´m in charge for the EU funded project Web2Class as a coordinator. And I care about trainees from University of Regensburg (Faculty of Geography).

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  • Tamara Konrade

    Hi Hans! I checked out your etwinning project. Looks very interesting. When I was the principal of an elementary school, I had the desire to do some webconferencing with other states/countries to enhance our social studies outcomes. We didn't invest in the right tools and we didn't seem to have the knowledge to make it work. Looks like you have a great thing going.
  • Cyndi Danner-Kuhn

    WOW!!!! thanks for "hooking up." You have so much to check out. I just lost two hours this morning. Well not really lost, I should have been grading projects, but just could leave your sites, just kept digging and digging. What can I say, but, amazing!!!!

    I have been using YackPack with my students as well, it sure is a time saver and fun!! Still trying to find a really good way to do video conference stuff with my online students. Tried lots of ways, but some have old computers or poor internet connections, so that is still proving to be a challenge at this point. But, YackPack really cut through the ice and gave me a personal connection with my students in an easy way.

    I am now looking at your friends and getting lost in their stuff too. Can't wait to show this to my students and include it when the new semester begins.

    Will you be a NECC in Atlanta this summer? www.iste.org/necc
  • Gina Bianchini

    Thanks, Hans, for the welcome!
  • Nadine Mac

    Thanks for the welcome. I am looking forward to collaborating with enthusiastic teachers from around the world!!
  • Phil Pound

    Hi Hans
    Thanks for the invite.
    Looks like plenty to investigate here and discuss.
  • Phil Pound

    Hi again Hans
    Sounds interesting... will check out your digiskills link...
  • Mary Hricko

    Hi Hans,
    One of my dear friends is in Dresden right now. She's working with an ESL/EFL project with Kent State. I'm looking forward to working with this group.
  • Daniela Rappitsch

    Thanks Hans for the invite! I am looking forward to talking and discussing with teachers from all over the world!!
  • Josie Fraser

    Thanks for the warm welcome Hans. Look forward to working with you also.
    Best regards, Josie
  • Paul Hamilton

    Thanks Hans. I've just added you as my first "friend" in Classroom 2.0. This is a great place on the web, but I'm not sure yet how much time I'll be able to spend here. There are never enough hours in a day. I will definitely take time to check out Digiskills.

    It looks as though edublogs is off line this weekend, but when it is back up, I invite you to visit my blog at http://paulhami.edublogs.org. In this "hobby", I highlight and share free internet resources available to educators.

    Thanks again. --Paul
  • Kevin

    Hey Hans!
    You have a wealth of great things here! As for my template, I just chose the style and grabbed the header from my website, ( I had to tweak it a bit ) and stuck in an embedded movie. Be well! : )
  • Jose Luis Cabello

    Great place. Just getting started. Thank you, Hans.
  • Frances Bell

    Looks very interesting Hans.
  • Tracey Gould

    Sounds exciting, thanks for the invitation!
  • Linda Sullivan

    Hi Hans,
    Nice to meet you!
  • Siobhan Ramsey

    Hi Hans
    Thanks for the welcome.
    I have joined the digiskills group I think.
  • Lee Ann Spillane

    Hi, Hans,
    Thanks for the welcome. The digiskills look fascinating. I'm looking forward to exploring all of the tools you've posted. Thanks!
  • Jo Rhys-Jones

    Hello Hans
    Thank you very much for your message. I am really interested in your work - especially the e-twinning. I am a Primary teacher here in England, having retrained from being a German/Spanish/French teacher at Secondary. I am really into promoting the teaching of languages in Primary schools in the UK - something that has taken a long time to catch on. e-twinning is definitely something I would like to involve my school and my colleagues in. How can I find out more? Jo
  • Nick Falk

    Hi Hans
    Thank you for the invite. I have been promoting eTwinning since the beginning of the project. I look forward to exploring this group.
  • Nick Falk

    eTwinning/Comenius project - Hans can you give me some more details of the project?
  • julz

    Thanks for Hello! Hello from New Mexico in the US. I think MsDewey is hysterically funny.
  • Melisa Kifer

    Thanks for the invite! I would love to join the group!
  • Nancy Sharoff

    Thanks Hans,
    I grew up an Army brat in Germany -- Mannheim. Went to the University of Maryland in Munich, and worked for them out of their Heidelberg office. Most of my family is in Germany (Frankfurt) and France.
  • Nadine Norris

    Hi Hans. Wow! I never had a friend from Germany. Your site has lots of good resources. I'll visit often.
  • Barrie Owen

    Hi Hans :>

    I used to live in Hanau Germany. Where I worked for the Department of Defense Schools :> Nice to meet you!
  • Steve Wilmarth

    Hans, I'm looking for a high school in Germany to participate in our Innovation Academy program this coming year. We have some exciting tools we'll be working with from IBM and the MIT Media Lab. Can we talk via Skype? (My skype name is swilmarth) Give me some date and time options. Thanks.
  • brian melville

    Many thanks Hans.....I am a "new recruit" so just feeling my way around "ning".
    I am a former head of music at high school level now working as a music coordinator in Primary schools.
  • brian melville

    Hello Hans.....
    That would be good...thanks!
  • Amy Koegel

    Thanks for the welcome. Are you a teacher or a technologies resource for other teachers (or both)? I am specifically interested in way teachers teach and generate fiction writing in elementary grades.
  • Steve Wilmarth

    Hello, Hans.

    Sorry I didn't get back earlier. This week is tough,,, lots of travel. Can we talk (via Skype) on the weekend, either Saturday or Sunday, or I could do something on Monday, as well.


    Steve Wilmarth
    The Center for 21st Century Skills
    (Skype - swilmarth)
  • Ton Zijlstra

    Servus Hans,
    Danke! Looking forward to participating in the group here.

  • mary devries

    guten tag
    and that is bout the limit of my german. I do Spanish and French. Your page is great. I am happy to join it.
  • Lara H.T. Niles

    I look forward to learning more about your tools and techniques. Thank you much for your message.
  • Chris Edge

    thanks for the invite. I look forward to sharing some great ideas with you.
  • Betina Sho

    Hi Hans! Thanks for the invitation. Ms Dewey is hysterical. I hope we can share lots of great tools and resources. Recently, I've been experimenting and playing with Wikispaces, Freewebs, Toondoo, Bubbl/us, and my students have been involved in the "Rafi Ki" global project this year. (My parents are both German by the way. Mein vater bist geboren in Butzbach)(but, that's about it for my German). Cheers.
  • Hilding Lindquist

    Hello Hans,
    I thought I would introduce myself ... since I joined DigiSkills. I am going to work my way through the members pages and get to "know" everybody. I am committed to Web 2.0 as "a social phenomenon embracing an approach to generating and distributing Web content itself, characterized by open communication, decentralization of authority, freedom to share and re-use, and 'the market as a conversation' ". - from Wikipedia's definition.
  • Hilding Lindquist

    Thanks for the response! As with Mark, I am excited about being in your group.
  • Esbjorn Jorsater

    Guten tag Hans,

    Thnaks for your invite. I look a lot in your links, blogs and so on. And it looks intresting. I wonder about the possibilities to use digiskills in the comic art education, in distance learning, and with communications with other comic art schools.
  • Esbjorn Jorsater

    Vielen danke,
    I collecting videos at Youtube with screencasting, when great artist draws in different programs. They are great.
    Because your link to how to do one myself, I made my first test.
  • Amy Tucker

    Guten Tag!
    Die Einladung waere toll! :)

    Vielen Dank!
  • dave garland

    Hello Hans
    I've been into computers in schools since 1979 but it's these web 2.0 tools that I think will really unleash the true power of ICT.
    A whole new way of thinking and mirrored in our leadership groups where collaborative responsibility is becoming the norm rather than specific "tasks"
  • dave garland

    Hey thanks for the link Hans ...and your English is infinitely better than my German I am sad to say !!!
  • SusanTsairi

    Hi Hans, thanks, I'll mosey on over and take a look.
  • Chris Clementi

    Hi Hans, thanks for writing. Germany is so beautiful. I will check out your site.

  • Todd Leed

    Thanks for the welcome. I have had numerous exchange students from Germany and Austria. I am looking forward to hearing your ideas and sharing your expertise.
  • David Black

    Thanks for the greeting. I'm taking some time checking out some of the resources you have identified. Looks like there is plenty I can learn from you. Thanks for sharing.
  • Catherine Johnson

    Thanks, Hans. Yes, I have noticed the lack of Europeans. Well, this is all new to be at the moment but I am hoping to learn alot from the site.
    Best wishes, Cath
  • susan

    Thanks for the welcome. I'm looking forward to getting involved.
  • Ricart Prats

    Thank you Hans for the invitation. Let's team up! I have to look into TwinSpace ...

    btw, love the song you chose for your page, I always had a thing for italian pop.


  • Kim Schneweis

    Yes, I do have a German surname. I've always been told it means snow white, is that correct?